
Lion is using Adjust as the attribution solution; see here for more.

Integrating Adjust SDK is required to enable attribution. Additionally, the Adjust SDK is a required dependency of Lion Analytics.

Lion Core offers the optional capability to handle Adjust initialization for you. We recommend using this way, rather than handling initialization on your own, to ensure that other adjust-dependent Lion SDK packages are initialized properly.

Install Lion SDK

Install Adjust SDK

  • Open the LionStudios/Settings Manager window

  • Go to the Adjust tab

  • If Adjust is not installed, you will see the Install Adjust button

  • Click the Install Adjust button


  • Open the Adjust settings in LionStudios/Settings Manager menu
  • Fill in the following settings:
    • Required:
      • iOS Adjust Sdk Key - Set the value using the App Token retrieved from Portal Test Submission
      • Android Adjust Sdk Key - Set the value using the App Token retrieved from Portal Test Submission
    • Optional:
      • Adjust Environment - Be sure to set this to production in production builds, and sandbox for development builds
      • Adjust Log Level - This is used to control the amount of detail the logs coming from adjust show.
      • Allow Suppress Log Level - This will disable all adjust related logs
      • Set Send in Background - This allows you to continue sending network requests when the app is in the background
  • Click Setup Adjust button
    • This will enable all the required permissions in the AdjustSettings.asset

Additional Android Setup

  • If your project uses a proguard file, refer to this section in the official Adjust documentation for the setup regarding proguard settings.


In order to have Lion SDK handle Adjust initialization for you, click “Enable auto-initialization” from the Lion settings menu under the “Adjust” section.

Ad Revenue Tracking Event Implementation

If your game has ads, refer to this section, copy and paste the method into your code, and subscribe to your ad provider SDK’s (Applovin MAX SDK) revenue-paid callback

Extra Notes