MAX is the mediation solution used by Lion Studios to serve ads to players.

MAX includes its own GDPR solution: the MAX SDK’s Unified Consent Flow. This has now replaced LionGDPR. All games published with Lion Studios are required to use this Unified Consent Flow.

SDK Setup

  • Follow the instructions under: Getting Started;
  • MAX SDK is automatically installed via Setup Wizard;

MAX Consent Flow

Ads Setup

In early testing, it is optional to integrate ads. Please check with your Lion representative if you need to integrate ads

  • Ask for MAX Ad Unit IDs from your Lion point of contact
  • Install mediation adapters, see here. Ask your Lion contact to know about which adapters to install.
  • See the documentation here to integrate ads using Lion Ads
  • Check the integration using the Mediation Debugger tools before moving to the next step.