Loading Scene


Initializing SDKs and loading dynamic data in a Loading Scene is mandatory before entering your main game scene. This helps separate initialization code from game code and prevents race conditions by ensuring all SDK dependencies are loaded before the game code attempts to call or reference those services.

LionSDK provides a loading scene that you can use out-of-the-box.


  • Initialize all SDKs
  • Display the logo of the developing studio (optional)
  • Display the new animated logo of LionStudios (optional)



The Loading Scene can be automatically set up using the Setup Wizard.


  • Display Lion Logo - Enable this only if the game is on Lion Studios official account
  • Display Custom Logo - Enable this to show your company logo on the splash screen.

Example of a custom logo

  • Custom Logo - Insert your sprite image here to display your company logo. The recommended dimensions for the image are 512 x 512.
  • Custom Logo Duration - The custom logo features a fade-in effect. This variable determines how fast or slow the image takes to fade in. By default, this is set to 1.5. (The larger the number, the slower the animation is).
  • Use Async Loading - Depending on the type of data in your main game scene, the loading time may be better with or without async loading. You can test on the device to see what works better in your case.

Modify second scene

To override which scene should load after the loading scene, you can use the LoadingSceneManager.SetSceneToLoad method.

Here is an example:

public class SecondSceneSetter
	void SetSecondScene()
	     // Example 1: Set the scene to load using the scene name

	    // Example 2: Set the scene to load using the scene index
	    // Example 3: Set a different scene to load depending on a condition
	    LoadingSceneManager.SetSceneToLoad(IsFirstSession ? "FTUE" : "NextSceneName");

Add custom initialization code

If you want to add additional initialization code to this Loading Scene, you have to implement the ILionModule interface.

The ILionModule interface is a part of the Lion Studios Core package.

Classes implementing this interface are automatically detected and initialized during LionCore initialization.

using System.Threading.Tasks;
using LionStudios.Suite.Core;

public class CustomModule : ILionModule

    // Determines in what order ILionModules are initialized (in ascending order)
    public int Priority => 0; 

		// Use async/await if you need to initialize things asynchronously
    public Task Initialize()
        // Custom module initialization
        return Task.CompletedTask;

Implementation Example

Put your initialization code in the Initialize Method.

The Priority int is used to determine what ILionModule class is initialized first. This will only matter if you have more than 1 class that is using the ILionModule interface. By default it should be 0. You can decide priority based on how quickly during loading you want your custom module to be loaded.

The setup is now complete. Please get in touch with Lion SDK Support for any issues or questions.

Resulting Console Output