All Event Parameters

LionAnalytics Parameter List

NameTypeSelectBackend nameDescription
achievementIDstringRequiredachievement_idachievementID is an ID that represents the achievement.
achievementNamestringRequiredachievement_nameachievementName is the name of the achievement in the game.
actionstringRequiredactionName of the action taken by player.
additionalDataDictionaryOptionaladditional_dataAny additional information
amountintRequiredamountThe amount the player BET / RAISED if applicable.
attemptNumintOptionallevel_attemptThe attempt number
campaignIDintRequiredcampaign_idUnique ID of the out of game campaign.
campaignNamestringRequiredcampaign_nameName of the out of game campaign.
characterClassstringRequiredcharacter_classClass of the character being created.
characterGenderstringRequiredcharacter_genderThe gender of the character being created.
characterIDstringRequiredcharacter_idThe ID of the character.
characterNamestringRequiredcharacter_nameThe name of the character
cohortGroupstringRequiredcohort_groupGroup identifier of the cohort within the campaign.
cohortIDintRequiredcohort_idID of the cohort within the campaign.
cohortNamestringRequiredcohort_nameName of the cohort.
communicationSenderstringRequiredcommunication_senderCommunication sender used.
communicationStatestringRequiredcommunication_stateCommunication state that has been reached.
connectedUserIdstringRequiredconnected_user_idThe userID provided to deltaDNA when the player is playing on other devices whilst connected to a social network.
currencyTypestringOptionalThe type of currency used to buy the purchase. The default is USD
currentSkillLevelintRequiredcurrent_skill_levelThe current skill level before the upgrade.
errorTypeErrorEventTypeRequirederror_typeThe error type
experimentCohortstringRequiredexperiment_cohortThe the variant or cohort name.
experimentNamestringRequiredexperiment_nameThe experiment name
featureNamestringRequiredfeature_nameFeatureName is the name of the feature that has been unlocked.
featureTypestringRequiredfeature_typeFeatureType is the type of feature that has been unlocked.
funnelLabelstringOptionalfunnel_labelThe funnel label
funnelStepintRequiredfunnel_stepThe funnel step
funnelValueintOptionalfunnel_valueThe value of the funnel
gameIDstringRequiredgame_idThe unique ID for the game, this ID links the multiplayer session so each player in the game has the same ID.
giftRewardRequiredrewardThe reward object which contains the name, type, amount and such.
giftAcceptedboolOptionalgift_acceptedIf the gift is accepted. Default value is false
handIDstringRequiredhand_idThe unique ID for the specific hand of poker in the game.
inviteTypestringOptionalinvite_typeinviteType is the system used to drive the invite
isInviteAcceptedboolOptionalis_invite_acceptedHas the invite been accepted
isTutorialboolRequiredis_tutorialIs it a tutorial?
itemIDstringRequireditem_idInternal ID of an item within the game
itemNamestringRequireditem_nameName of the item
itemTypestringRequireditem_typeThe type of item that is being interacted with, could be a spell, weapon, etc.
levelCollection1stringOptionallevel_collection1The level collection
levelNumintRequiredlevel_numThe level number
levelUpNamestringRequiredlevel_up_nameThe level up name
messagestringRequiredmessageThe message to print to help debug.
missionAttemptintRequiredmission_attemptNumber of times user has played Game Level N (second play of Game Level N = 2)
missionIDstringRequiredmission_idThe unique ID for the mission.
missionTypestringOptionalmission_typeIndicate the type of the mission, level, task, quests etc.
modelInputobjectRequiredmodel_inputJSON formatted data with model’s input. The actual input can be key-value pairs or arrays depending on the model.
modelNamestringRequiredmodel_nameThe name of the model which could be descriptive to its usage.
modelOutputobjectRequiredmodel_outputJSON formatted result from calling the model. Either single key-value pair or multiple key-value pairs.
modelVersionstringRequiredmodel_versionThe version of the model
networkstringOptionalad_providerThe SDK the ad will be from (i.e, Adjust, FB, etc)
newSkillLevelintRequirednew_skill_levelThe new skill level after the upgrade.
notificationIDintRequirednotification_idIdentifier for notification.
notificationLaunchstringRequirednotification_launchDid the push notification launch the game.
notificationNamestringRequirednotification_nameThe name of the notification that targeted the player.
optionstringRequiredoptionThe option that was selected.
placementstringRequiredplacementThe placement of the ad
powerUpNamestringRequiredpower_up_nameThe name of the power up.
productIDstringOptionalproduct_idThe Store SKU of the purchase unit
purchaseLocationstringOptionalplacementThe location in the app where the purchase was made
purchaseNamestringRequiredpurchase_nameName of the purchase/pack the user bought
realCurrencyAmountfloatRequiredthe localized price of the purchase
realCurrencyTypestringRequiredThe type of real currency (USD, Euros, etc). Lion Analytics will automatically convert the localized price based on the ‘realCurrencyType’ (currency code) provided.
reasonAdErrorTypeOptionaladErrorTypeUsed to record error messages when loading ads
reasonForFailurestringRequiredreason_for_failureIf an action failed, e.g., success is false, indicate reason for failure. E.g., skill_incorrectly_used.
receiptStatusReceiptStatusOptionalvalidated_receiptA receipt status object
receivedProductsProductRequiredreceived_productsThe user receives the product
recipientIDstringRequiredrecipient_idThe recipient ID
rewardRewardRequiredrewardIf rewards are given to the player at the time of the event, the reward object is used to track the items (e.g., boosters, coins, gems, etc) or currencies gifted or earned by the player to the player.
roundActionstringRequiredround_actionThe action a player took in the round.
roundNamestringRequiredround_nameThe name of the betting round e.g. PREFLOP/FLOP/TURN/RIVER…
scoreintOptionaluser_scoreThe game score
senderIDstringRequiredsender_idThe sender ID
shopIDstringOptionalshop_idThis should be the internal ID of the shop accessed.
shopNamestringRequiredshop_nameThis should be the name of the shop accessed.
shopTypestringOptionalshop_typeThis should be the type of shop accessed. If there are multiple types of shops, such as Weapon, Currency, etc., use the shop_type parameter to differentiate them.
skillIDstringRequiredskill_idThe internal ID of the skill being used
skillNamestringRequiredskill_nameName of the skill being used e.g. Fireball, Big Swing
socialAliasstringOptionalsocial_aliasThe player name / alias on the social network.
socialPlatformstringOptionalsocial_platformsocialPlatform is the type of social activity that generated the reward.
socialTypestringRequiredsocial_typeThe social type
spentProductsProductRequiredspent_productsWhat products the user spent on
successboolRequiredsuccessIndicates success or failure
ticketIDstringRequiredticked_idTicket ID
transactionTransactionRequiredtransactionTransaction object
transactionIDstringOptionaltransaction_idThe receipt ID provided by the Store
uiActionstringRequiredui_actionuiAction is the action taken on the User Interface object.
uiLocationstringOptionalui_locationuiLocation is the position in the game where the User Interface object is.
uiNamestringRequiredui_nameuiName is the name that defines the interaction.
uiTypestringOptionalui_typeuiType is the type of User Interface object.
uniqueTrackingstringOptionalunique_trackingThis is used to match a Sent event with corresponding Received event.
userScoreintRequireduser_scoreThe player’s score
viewedProductIDstringRequiredviewed_product_idThe internal ID of the viewed product. The product/IAP that’s being viewed by the player. viewed_product_id should be the store bundle id, such as com.vottzapps.wordle.starterpack1.
viewedProductNamestringRequiredviewed_product_nameThe name of the viewed product. The product/IAP that’s being viewed by the player. viewed_product_name should be the display name of the package, e.g., Starter Pack.
virtualCurrencyAmountintRequiredThe virtual Currency amount in game
virtualCurrencyNamestringRequiredThe virtual currency name used in the game
virtualCurrencyTypestringRequiredThe type of virtual currency used in the game.
isUAEventboolOptionalis_ua_eventIs it an User Acquisition event?
inviterIdstringOptionalinviter_idThe ID of the player who sent out a invite to a game
inviteeIdstringOptionalinvitee_idThe ID of the player who received an invite to a game from another player