

  • Backend Name: ab_cohort

  • Description: Fired automatically by Satori Client Module. No action required if it is installed. If not: The player was assigned to a cohort. The event should be fired every session.

  • Event Type: Experiments

  • Priority: P1


NameTypeSelectBackend nameDescription
additionalDataDictionaryOptionaladditional_dataAny additional information
experimentCohortstringRequiredexperiment_cohortThe the variant or cohort name.
experimentNamestringRequiredexperiment_nameThe experiment name

Experiment Naming Convention

To keep experiment information consistent across games for easier analysis, please do your best to use the following naming convention:


  • game_code - Three-letter game code, e.g. FNI, SBP, FMT, etc.
    • If game doesn’t have a Three-letter code, just put name: game.that.doest.have.code
  • platform
    • ios - ios
    • and - android
    • all - in case you run this test on both platforms at the same time (start and end dates should be equaled)
  • - whatever test name you like, but if you need include multiple words, use dot symbol . instead of spaces.


If a user is in multiple tests, the event should be fired multiple times.

This cohort data will be attached as a global parameter and will be included in the payload of all events afterwards.

In order to clear an experiment, please use the ClearAbCohort(string experimentName) method (See the ‣ section for more information).

Code example:

LionAnalytics.AbCohort("levelRuns", "cohort_01");