

  • Backend Name: hand_action

  • Description: This event is a poker specific event used to track the betting rounds within a hand of poker.

  • Event Type: Game

  • Priority: P4


NameTypeSelectBackend nameDescription
additionalDataDictionaryOptionaladditional_dataAny additional information
amountintRequiredamountThe amount the player BET / RAISED if applicable.
gameIDstringRequiredgame_idThe unique ID for the game, this ID links the multiplayer session so each player in the game has the same ID.
handIDstringRequiredhand_idThe unique ID for the specific hand of poker in the game.
roundActionstringRequiredround_actionThe action a player took in the round.
roundNamestringRequiredround_nameThe name of the betting round e.g. PREFLOP/FLOP/TURN/RIVER…

Code example

LionAnalytics.HandAction(2500, "Poker_Test_01", "15_J_K", "Shuffle", "TURN");