

  • Backend Name: mission_complete

  • Description: The player completed a mission

  • Event Type: Level

  • Priority: P1


NameTypeSelectBackend nameDescription
additionalDataDictionaryOptionaladditional_dataAny additional information
isTutorialboolRequiredis_tutorialIs it a tutorial?
missionAttemptintRequiredmission_attemptNumber of times user has played Game Level N (second play of Game Level N = 2)
missionIDstringRequiredmission_idThe unique ID for the mission.
missionTypestringOptionalmission_typeIndicate the type of the mission, level, task, quests etc.
rewardRewardRequiredrewardIf rewards are given to the player at the time of the event, the reward object is used to track the items (e.g., boosters, coins, gems, etc) or currencies gifted or earned by the player to the player.
userScoreintRequireduser_scoreThe player’s score

Code example

Product product = new Product();
List<VirtualCurrency> virtualCurrencies = new List<VirtualCurrency>
    { new VirtualCurrency("coins", "gold", 100) };
product.virtualCurrencies = virtualCurrencies;
Reward reward = new Reward(product);
    isTutorial: false, 
    missionType: "bossFight",
    missionName: "fight_level_12",
    missionID: "boss_fight_2", 
    userScore: 67, 
    missionAttempt: 4, 
    reward: reward);