

  • Backend Name: prediction_result

  • Description: If your game is using any predictive models (e.g. Multi-arm Bandit) or other machine learning algorithms to pull levers in your game, use this event to track the prediction related to the player. Since players may have different values, this is used during analysis to track model predictions to behavior outcomes.

  • Event Type: Experiments

  • Priority: P1


NameTypeSelectBackend nameDescription
additionalDataDictionaryOptionaladditional_dataAny additional information
modelInputobjectRequiredmodel_inputJSON formatted data with model’s input. The actual input can be key-value pairs or arrays depending on the model.
modelNamestringRequiredmodel_nameThe name of the model which could be descriptive to its usage.
modelOutputobjectRequiredmodel_outputJSON formatted result from calling the model. Either single key-value pair or multiple key-value pairs.
modelVersionstringRequiredmodel_versionThe version of the model


// TODO Rephrase (@Bhaumik Shukla)

Model details served by service. This event is track to the inputs, outputs and related information by calling a model and returned by the server. It starts tracking when the game calls the model, and fires the event when the game receives the result. If the call takes over X seconds and not getting response, we should fire this event anyway to let us know the call is failed.

Code example:

LionAnalytics.PredictionResult("ml_model_trial_25", "0.1.25", new int[3] { 5, 4, 6 }, new int[3] { 4, 4, 4 });