

  • Backend Name: product_viewed_event

  • Description: The player looked at a product’s description, or viewed an item. This is designed to capture a player’s interest.

  • Event Type: Game

  • Priority: P3


NameTypeSelectBackend nameDescription
additionalDataDictionaryOptionaladditional_dataAny additional information
viewedProductIDstringRequiredviewed_product_idThe internal ID of the viewed product. The product/IAP that’s being viewed by the player. viewed_product_id should be the store bundle id, such as com.vottzapps.wordle.starterpack1.
viewedProductNamestringRequiredviewed_product_nameThe name of the viewed product. The product/IAP that’s being viewed by the player. viewed_product_name should be the display name of the package, e.g., Starter Pack.

Code example

LionAnalytics.ProductViewed("Promo_Pack_01", "CoinPack");