

  • Backend Name: social_connect

  • Description: The player connected to a social network

  • Event Type: Social

  • Priority: P3


NameTypeSelectBackend nameDescription
additionalDataDictionaryOptionaladditional_dataAny additional information
connectedUserIdstringRequiredconnected_user_idThe userID provided to deltaDNA when the player is playing on other devices whilst connected to a social network.
socialAliasstringOptionalsocial_aliasThe player name / alias on the social network.
socialPlatformstringOptionalsocial_platformsocialPlatform is the type of social activity that generated the reward.

This may be used to retrieve player and friend info, activate social features in game, or to synchronise the player / game state across multiple devices.

Code example:

LionAnalytics.SocialConnect("deltaDNAId", "username", "FB");