

  • Backend Name: ui_interaction

  • Description: The player interacted with parts of the user interface, specifically pressed buttons to view specific features and navigate around.

  • Event Type: Game

  • Priority: P3


NameTypeSelectBackend nameDescription
additionalDataDictionaryOptionaladditional_dataAny additional information
uiActionstringRequiredui_actionuiAction is the action taken on the User Interface object.
uiLocationstringOptionalui_locationuiLocation is the position in the game where the User Interface object is.
uiNamestringRequiredui_nameuiName is the name that defines the interaction.
uiTypestringOptionalui_typeuiType is the type of User Interface object.

Code example:

LionAnalytics.UiInteraction("Click", "Shop_BtnClick", "Shop", "Button");


This event is used to track user’s journey around the interface to help determine if parts of the interface or features are not obvious enough.

When a button to a specific feature exists in multiple locations it can be valuable to track the location of the button that was used.