Advanced Ad Events


Use Ad events to track when the game loads and players interact with each ad type and placement.

This event type can be used for calculating metrics such as how many players watched each type of ad placement or how many ad failures players experienced.

Available Events

Reward Video

  • reward_video_opportunity
  • reward_video_start
  • reward_video_show
  • reward_video_show_fail
  • reward_video_clicked
  • reward_video_end
  • reward_video_collect
  • reward_video_load
  • reward_video_load_fail


  • interstitial_start
  • interstitial_show
  • interstitial_clicked
  • interstitial_end
  • interstitial_show_fail
  • interstitial_load_fail
  • interstitial_load

Cross Promo

  • cross_promo_load
  • cross_promo_load_fail
  • cross_promo_start
  • cross_promo_show
  • cross_promo_show_fail
  • cross_video_clicked
  • cross_promo_end


  • banner_show

App Open

  • app_open_show
  • app_open_show_fail
  • app_open_load
  • app_open_load_fail
  • app_open_start
  • app_open_end
  • app_open_clicked

Inter Open

  • inter_open_show
  • inter_open_show_fail
  • inter_open_load
  • inter_open_load_fail
  • inter_open_start
  • inter_open_end
  • inter_open_clicked

Note on the App Open and Inter open events:

AppOpen is a new ad type created by AL near the end of 2022, whereas InterOpen was the temporary alternative to address a few challenges that the AppOpen ad units had. Currently, instead of using AppOpen, various teams use a second INTER in the same place. In this case, the InterOpen events should be implemented.

Critical Parameters

  • Required
    • placement: placement of the ad. For interstitials, the value should help identify the timing/stage/state where the ad is triggered
  • Optional
    • reward: only applies to the reward_video_collect event. It’s an optional parameter, but we highly recommend including it to inform any sink and source data and analysis


Games that have any one of the ad types (e.g. interstitial, RV) are applicable.


Example: Rewarded Video Event Order

  1. reward_video_load —> Ad SDK loaded a video
  2. reward_video_load_fail —> Ad SDK failed to load a video
  3. reward_video_show —> Ad is requested to be shown to the player
  4. reward_video_start —> Ads SDK started the video
  5. reward_video_show_fail —> The video failed to display to the player
  6. reward_video_clicked —> Player clicked the video
  7. reward_video_hide —> Player chose to hide the video
  8. reward_video_end —> Video reached the end
  9. reward_video_collect —> Player collected a reward for watching the video

The other ad types follow the same convention. Unless you are troubleshooting, the *_show*_end, and *_collect events are probably the most important events to add to your game.